Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Wall

One of the things that drew us to visit Quebec City was the allure of seeing Old Quebec. We heard stories about all of the old architecture, and especially reports of how impressive the wall around the area was. Like a lot of things, at first glance it doesn't necessarily appear as impressive as one may have thought it to be:

But then you stand back a bit and take another look and you find your appreciation for what you are seeing grows:

Walking around Old Quebec was like suddenly being transported to the backstreets of Paris. On one building (the place where we stopped for some ice cream) we determined that it was 250 years old. The cafe's were numerous and enticing. I'm sure we would have spent some time in them, except for the tiny constraint of having a dog with us.

Not being especially fluent en francais, often I would look to the signage to give me clues to what was around me. For the most part I think I can interpret most signs, but this one gave me some challenges:

Any ideas?


  1. Tante Bebe a pensé que c'était un croisement de lapin.  
    L'oncle Effrayant dit it' ; artiste vraiment mauvais de signe de SA essayant d'indiquer un croisement de grenouille (passage clouté).

  2. I think the sign means "it's wabbit season! (to quote Elmer Fudd)
